When I was 15 I was fortunate enough to have visited one of the Gucci factories in Italy where handbags were made.  Six months before the trip I started saving my money for the opportunity to buy myself my first Gucci.  I bought nothing for myself for months in preparation for my trip (which was a big deal at the time!).  I believed early on that having one thing special was better than having many things.  So that is where style really begins for me, something special. 

It doesn’t have to be Gucci, Pucci or Fiorucci but you have to just love it.  Die for it!  I don’t care what people say about my multi color velvet shoes, I love them. Jeans and a t-shirt which is my basic uniform and It’s now an outfit.  What do you love?  Wear it.  Show it off by dimming the lights on everything else you are wearing, give it the respect it deserves.  That hat, or those insane sunglasses – wear it, rock it! 

If you have expensive tastes that don’t match the reality of your finances don’t be afraid to give new life to someone else’s “old” treasure.  EBay is a goldmine of previously worshiped goodies that are available at a fraction of the original cost in most cases.  Pour yourself a big glass of wine and do some serious window shopping.  Every designer brand, every accessory under the sun – it’s so much fun and quite addictive.  I wouldn’t do vintage on shoes though – something about a “gently worn” shoe says NO WAY to me.  But that’s just where I draw the line, you decide for yourself. 

Sometimes we make some weird choices with our style.  Those sunglasses that were just too big, too red.  What was I thinking?  What I say to that is at least I was trying!  Please try….  Put some effort, take a risk and fail if you must –  but try.  Let the world get to see that side of you that only shines through with your style. 

 Lesson #19 – More is more and less is not in my dictionary.

Shop House of RR




Ice queen glamour. This panther is covered in crystals on silver plating, shine bright. Accented with jet stones, fierce green eyes and a flexible door-knocker. Super chic. THE CASE MEASURES 1.3 x 2.7 x .75 INCHES AND HOLDS A STANDARD BIC LIGHTER. Lighter not included.




Soft shine. Milky stones set in oxidized gold outline a beautiful crystal center casting. Combining elements from different pieces creates a dark mysterious vibe. So full of vintage elegance. Dimensions 5.5 x 8 inches 110 sheets/220 pages unlined




Pearl envy! Our signature stone trio with white pearl set on dark hematite plating. Our little take on black and white, chic with a bit of edge. Classic with a twist. THE CASE MEASURES 1 x 2 x .5 INCHES AND HOLDS A MINI BIC LIGHTER. Lighter not included.