What is the deal with packaging that isn’t well thought out? I know for a fact that teams of people, intelligent and well-dressed people, are deciding what type of jar to use for your favorite pasta sauce. Those same people although maybe dressed a little bit more sassy are sitting around deciding how to make your lip liner “look” different too. How to change things up.

Why tweak it? Usually to save money or sometimes just to reinvigorate what we, the consumer get bored with. So I get it when Sephora used paper for their lipstick tube rather than plastic. But why, my cosmetic friends? Why make my lip liner run out on me without warning? Lip liner used to function like a pencil that you sharpen, where you can tell when the pencil is running low. This “new” plastic looking pencil that makes me roll up the liner so that I can never tell when I am running low. I am never prepared for that last roll up when it just stops dead in it’s tracks. No more – I am officially out! Did I bring a back up with me or did I not think of it? Does it really matter? Yes…. If you have to change things – can we think things all the way through please?

One of my favorite perfumes by Tom Ford. Beautiful heavy bottle, simple elegant shape. But the whole bottle is opaque and I can never tell when I am running low. If the bottom were clear maybe that would help but it’s not. So I run out and have to have a back up bottle on hand if I want to smell like the beach or a peach on command. C’mon you gorgeous packaging people over there at the licensing company for Tom Ford fragrances…. What’s the deal?
Lesson #23 – Always try to put yourself in other people’s shoes; designer or otherwise.